
Archive for November 26th, 2008

Change is hard.  Change is constant.  Change is inevitable.  How you handle change, however is up to you.  I did promise that I would get around to covering change, and although this will graze on it, it is not the post I promised.  Look for that this weekend.

My house is a wreck.  My days seem longer than usual.  My fuse is a short as Daisy’s shorts used to be.  My heart literally hurts, my head is swimming, and my emotions are off the charts.  I recognize that is is mainly my fault.  You want to know why?  I DID NOT KEEP TO MY SCHEDULE!  I do not cook dinner every night.  I am not hungry when I get home, so I only fix something for the kids.  They eat at the table, but its not the same as eating dinner as a family.  I haven’t stuck to their 8 p.m. bedtime during the week, although I only vary that slightly.  I have not done anything with regularity, except for attending work.  I am paying for it.  The kids are irritable, whiny, and all around not their usual joyous selves.

The holidays are usually busy to begin with, however I now have to add to it.  I have to get back into my routine and reorganize our lives so that everything that they are used it isn’t thrown out the window.   I am not the only one that struggles, nor am I the only one who recognizes this cause-and-effect relationship during deployments.  Here’s an interesting article from Fort Levanworth on the same subject.

embarassWell, I suppose I must get to work on my mess.  THANK GOODNESS that my mother is visiting.  I have you know that it is the first time I have seen the bottom of my laundry room floor in a very (embarrassingly) long time!

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